In May 2019, NTT announced the Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN), a next-generation telecommunications infrastructure initiative. To realize the concept of IOWN, an information processing infrastructure characterized by high capacity, ultra-high speed, and ultra-low latency with greatly reduced power consumption, the key technologies to be developed and pioneered are “All photonics Network (APN)” and “Photonics-Electronics Convergence (PEC)”, which combines optical and electrical technologies with silicon integrated circuits that underpin modern electronics. In addition, NTT formulated a new environment and energy vision “NTT Green Innovation Toward 2040” to simultaneously achieve zero environmental impact and economic growth by “Reduction of Environmental Impact through Business Activities” and “Creation of Breakthrough Innovation” in 2021.
NTT Basic Research Laboratories (NTT-BRL) has contributed to driving these visions by continuously challenging itself to expand scientific knowledge, create technological breakthroughs, and pioneer the next grand challenges, which transcend the barriers of conventional technologies from the viewpoints of capacity, speed, energy, size, precision, security and so on. In this talk, I will introduce NTT-BRL’s recent activities on Si-photonics-based PEC devices for optical data processing acceleration, ultrawide-gap semiconductors that are one of the advanced semiconductors contributing to Green Transformation, and PHz-wave technology that enables expanding the current limit of optical technology in APN, which will advance the concept of IOWN and open the door to a further future beyond it.
Katsuya Oguri
Vice President, Head of NTT Basic Research Laboratories and Executive Senior Research Scientist, Director of Advanced Applied Physical Science Laboratory in Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, He received a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo in 1996, 1998, and 2005. In 1998, he joined NTT Basic Research Laboratories. He has been a guest researcher at RIKEN since 2015 and an associate professor at University of Tsukuba Graduate School Cooperative Graduate School System since 2020. He received the 26th Japan Society of Applied Physics Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) Best Original Paper Award in 2004 and the 18th Japan Society of Applied Physics JJAP Young Scientist Presentation Award in 2005. He received the 32nd Laser Society of Japan Best Original Paper Award in 2008. He received the Best Poster Presenter Award at International Symposium on Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XVI in 2017. He is a member of the Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP), the Physical Society of Japan (JPS), the Laser Society of Japan (LSJ), the Japan Intense Light Field Science Society (JILS), and Optica. He is a committee member of the Ultrafast Optoelectronics Technical Group in the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE).